About Me
Monique is a qualified psychodynamic counsellor who works with individuals who desire to change their lives and live more fully. She is an accredited member of the BACP, adhering to their professional code of ethics. She offers a range of services to individual clients, groups and organisations including schools, corporate organisations, and the health sector. Having had nearly 20 years experience in the NHS Monique has the ability to relate to people of all backgrounds.
Monique completed a Masters Degree in Contemporary Theraputic Counselling at the University of Hertfordshire, and currently works in private practice and the health sector
Professional Services
Private Practice
Bishops Stortford based Practice
Monique Notice specialises in working with individuals who desire to change their lives, who are striving to be able to live life to their fullest potential. She also works with individuals who have suffered bereavements, those who are experiencing relationship issues, those who want to achieve more in their lives and those who ordinarily desire to have a more meaningful existence.
£70 Daytime£70 Evenings ( Any Start after 17:55 )
£100 Saturdays
£90 Couples
Consessions Available
Clients usually seek help with
AnxietyAddictionsDepressionFeelings of lonleinessFeelings of angerPoor Self EsteemEating DistordersCorporate Training
Carer and Service user training
On or Off site
Monique offers training to carers and service users in organisations, focusing on how to deal with their own feelings of stress and anxiety while caring for and empathising with patient / client / service user
Drawing on her experience as a Registered Nurse she is able to assess the training needs of staff members and deliver material in a way accessible to everyone.
Support Groups
The main aim of groups are for support and provide a corrective experience. They are operated as a forum that can be used to explore common difficulties with members in a similar position. Individuals can be helped by drawing on their experiences and coping mechanisms of the other members
In the United Kingdom group phsychotherapy was developed with pioneers S.H. Foulkes and Wifred Bion as an approach to treat individuals who were fatigued in the second world war.
Mentoring and Tuition
Monique provides mentorship to organisations and students. Mentorship can be very rewarding and facilitates the development of personal and professional skills. The ultimate aim is to optimise performance and acheive the goals you set for yourself.
Monique provides tuition to individuals undergoing their counselling / Psychotherapy training
Private Health Insurance
Monique accepts most major private health insurance
Selected Articles from Monique Notice
A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility (Oxford Dictionary)
Psychodynamic Views of Anger
John Bowlby (1969) a pioneer of attachment theory writes that as humans we have a propensity to be strongly disposed to seek proximity to and contact with a specific figure and to do so in certain situations, for example, notably when one is frightened, tired or ill. This is called attachment behaviour. Attachment behaviour refers to any of the various behaviours that a child commonly engages in to attain and or maintain a desired proximity (Bowlby 1969). Attachment behaviour is triggered by separation or threatened separation from the attachment figure (Holmes 1993). This separation might only be temporary or more permanent as in the case of divorce, long-term separation or death.Separation does not always have to be physical, it can occur when a mother/primary caregiver is emotionally absent. Separation has profound effect on a developing child, resulting in what (Bowlby 1969) refers an insecure attachment. The child conceptualises this separation as a loss. Distress arises as a result of loss and separation. It is of interest to me as a practitioner to observe how adults cope with loss and separation depending on the type of attachments they experienced in childhood.
Bowlby (in Holmes2001) describes three phases one experiences as a result of loss; these are protest, withdrawal and detachment. Enmeshed in all these stages is some degree of anger and feelings of helplessness. This pattern of behaviour can be paralleled to the adult grieving process. This is a poignant area for consideration an individual who feels overwhelmed with feelings of anger. In this current economic climate where the loss of jobs and earnings are a daily occurrence it is worth exploring how one can find ways of coping with the feelings of loss and anger that goes with this.
How an Individual may Experience Their Anger
People experience anger in different ways or should I say do different things with their anger. I usually think of anger as a strong potent emotion, hence the need to do something with it. For some the feeling is so overwhelming, even so threatening that it cannot be allowed into consciousness, so it is repressed (buried into unconsciousness).
For those who are aware and are able to access their feelings of anger, it might be spoken about to friends or family, trusted figures. Others might act it out by various methods, ranging from physical acts of violence against others, addictions to withdrawing from people and avoiding their usual commitments. Others who struggle with feelings of anger and have repressed the feelings may suffer from low self-esteem, lack of energy loss of interest in life and in people, and an inability to get motivated. This could be where anger has not been acknowledged and experienced as feelings of Depression.
How We Work with Anger in Therapy
Clients usually find it beneficial to talk about their feelings of anger in therapy. The non-judgemental approach makes it more manageable for clients to discuss their feelings of anger. Talking helps an individual to make sense of why they experience their feelings the way they do. Clients usually point out that it is empowering to have their feelings acknowledged.
In therapy I tend to work on the principle of looking at trends in a persons life that trigger these difficult and sometimes unmanageable feelings. This empowers the individual to look consciously at how they can bring about changes in their life.
Bowlby,J. (1969)Attachment and Loss Vol.1 Attachment. London:Pimlico.
Holmes,J. (2001) The Search For The Secure Base: Attachment Theory And Psychotherapy. London: Brunner Routledge.
Contact Me
Please enter your message to me below and click Send a messageTo contact me, please fill in the the contact form, use my email address, or call me by telephone. Please leave a message if I am unable to take your call.
Email: info@monique-notice.co.uk
Telephone: (07432) 449 397
Consulting Rooms in the following areas
Bishops Stortford
Monique NoticeWindhill
Bishops Stortford
CM23 2ND